Name | Configuration |
Motherboard | CPU: J1800 motherboard dual core 2.41GHz |
Memory | DDR3-2G Notebook Memory |
Hard Disk | MSATA32G Solid State Drive |
Monitor | 13.3” Full-flat LCD (Wireless Hot Plug Technology) |
Resolution | Resolution: 1920*1080 Refresh rate: 60Hz |
Keyboard | KB102PC with keycap (with magnet) |
钱箱 | 405B three-speed steel cash box (Hongsheng) |
Printer | Inline Research 58 Large Gear Thermal Printer |
Interface | 2 serial ports, 1 parallel port, 5 USB ports, 1 network port, 2 PS/2, VGA*1 |
Customer Display | 8-digit LED display |
Operating system support | Windows 7 and above |
Power | Hangjia Power 200W |
Color | Metallic color |
Other | Operating Environment: Working Environment Temperature: -20-60°C Working Environment Humidity: 0-90% |
Remarks | All core accessories of this product are from the brand supplier, guarantee new, if the picture does not match, the actual product shall prevail. |
Hardware Upgrade | 2G memory can be upgraded to 4G; 32G hard drive can be upgraded to 64G; 1800 motherboard can be upgraded to 1900 (please contact customer service for specific fees); |